Embrix Engineering Series – 2: Embrix Extensions

Embrix Engineering Series – 2: Embrix Extensions

When choosing the right Order to Cash and Revenue management platform, do you feel handicapped with the rigidity of the platform, when it comes to extensions that you require. If yes, this post is for you. Often you feel the need to add some extensions for different...
Embrix Engineering Series – 3: UI & UIX

Embrix Engineering Series – 3: UI & UIX

The right UI capabilities with the right UIX is the gateway for your users to the Monetization platform. For all of you that offer digital services, we are pretty sure that this would be a very important post for you. You might have seen a demo or two, but you need to...
Embrix Engineering Series – 5: Collections

Embrix Engineering Series – 5: Collections

As a technology leader, Collection is an important capability that you offer to your peers in your Finance organization. Covid-19 are examples of other factors that brought out economic hardships challenging the customer retention itself, let alone the timely payments...