Cloud Migration, the “Lift & Shift” shot-clock to watch out for

by Jun 18, 2024Sales Posts

There was an interesting post (that was shared by ‘acloudguru). It very aptly highlights the issues and challenges that are often faced by vendor with platforms that do a cloud migration with a lift and shift approach. There is a “Shot Clock” associated with “Lift & Shift” migration.

There are two options with any cloud migration: “Lift and Shift to cloud” and “build a Cloud Native” application or a platform.  The initial cost wins are always there. However, there is a looming Lift and Shift – Shot clock with such applications. It is only a matter of time when that shot clock expires and the initial cost wins wane out completely.

There are three zones for vendor applications and platforms that pre-date the cloud technology adoption

  • Forced Zone – New and Competitive product that are built on cloud native architecture force such vendors to move to the cloud. In most cases, they are forced to go with “Lift & Shift” option.
  • Denial Zone – The initial cost wins puts the vendors in a denial zone knowingly or unknowingly.
  • Reality Zone – Cloud Technology is evolving faster than we think. The “Lift & Shift” vendors find it harder to stay competitive on cloud benefits.

Things to watch out for with Lift and shift migration are:

  • More manual processes
  • Lack of Training, Ops and Governance
  • Rise of New Legacy Poor Practices
  • Erosion of initial cost wins
  • Brain Drain as Cloud Experts move on to other satisfying options.

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