Subscription, SaaS, pay as you go or usage-based model, etc., all of these are monetization models for all digital service providers for the digital services that you offer to your customers.
With the exponential growth in social media platforms, every company out there is trying to tell you which monetization model is better, and which one is not. In most cases, they all are coming from their own vested interests. Some of them are ok in telling you to follow the K-I-S-S model (Keep It Simple Stupid) for obvious reasons.
All these companies are trying to generalize a monetization model for you. Without understanding your reasons, they are saying we know it all and hence we can preach one monetization model over the other. You may have your compelling reasons for choosing a monetization model now or you may have even more compelling reasons in choosing other monetization models in the future. It all depends on your service offerings, your partner networks, your resellers now or in the future. Hence, you should never lock yourself into one model over the other.
Embrix can help you with any monetization model or any combination of the monetization models, even allowing you to come up with your own innovative models in the future. We have the bases covered for what you need now and what you possibly may need in the future. We will be your partner in advising you along your journey on the pros and cons. With Embrix, you will never be short changed or locked into a model now or during your growth journey.
Partner with Embrix and reach out to us at for a demo or consultation.